
Hi, my name is Jessi and I'm an independent musician in the NYC area. I also write articles for Urban Folk magazine, design web pages, create fliers, and do various other music and technology related tasks. Please visit my Indie Music Resources blog for more. Meanwhile, Drawing Pretty Things is my big, giant archive for all things Jessi (in blog form).


Friday November 9th: Jessi's Bday Party at Bar4

Mark it down on your calendars folks! Friday November 9th is my birthday. You know, the first year I spent in NY I had the worst birthday ever. EVER! So to make up for it, I've been having bigger and awesomer (not a word, I know) parties every year, at my favorite drink oasis, Bar4. This year promises to be intense, entertaining, and EVEN AWESOMER!

Lots of my favorite artists will be sharing a few songs each, including:

The Ericksons
Gemma Connell
Matt Cranstoun
Peter Inc
Jeff Jacobson
Sean Ellick
Matt Singer
Paul Basile
Ivan Sandomire
Sean Han
No Lindsay
Sami Akbari
Joe Wilson
Andy Mac
Bryan Dunn
Wakey! Wakey!
Tanya Buziak
Tarrah Reynolds
Tom Hayes
Paula Valstein

This is going to be the Best Party of 2007 (according to me) and it's FREE!!! Music starts around 6:30pm and goes until the AM so prepare yourself to last all night.


The Damaged Part on Underground 40 IAC Chart

Last week my song, The Damaged Part, was #38 on Independent Artist Community's Underground 40 chart. This week it has climbed up to #36.

Friday October 19th: Electro Acoustic Residency at Bar4

Electro Acoustic at Bar4 features Jessi Robertson, No Lindsay, and Tanya Buziak. The first show is Friday October 19th at 8:30pm sharp, featuring short sets from Jessi, Tanya, and No Lindsay. Future shows will feature longer sets.

Bar4 is at 444 7th Ave in Park Slope (Brooklyn, NY). Take the F train to 7th Ave. Exit at 7th Ave. and 9th St. Bar4 is just six short blocks up to 15th St. & 7th Ave. Visit Local Correspondents for more info.


Wednesday Oct. 10th: Jessi at 68 Jay St. Bar in DUMBO!

I will be playing two 45 minute sets in lovely DUMBO this Wednesday October 10th at 8pm. Take the F train to York and walk two blocks to Water St. The venue is called 68 Jay St. Bar. This should be a great night of music! See you there!


Resources are moving to their own blog

This is all getting to confusing. There's all this Jessi Robertson stuff mixed in with my blog about Indie Music Resources. Weird. As of today, I am moving all the Resource posts over to their very own blog called... da da da daaaa INDIE MUSIC RESOURCES BLOG (yes, I am shouting in excitement)!

Please be patient while I get rid of old posts and move links, etc. And thanks for reading!