
Hi, my name is Jessi and I'm an independent musician in the NYC area. I also write articles for Urban Folk magazine, design web pages, create fliers, and do various other music and technology related tasks. Please visit my Indie Music Resources blog for more. Meanwhile, Drawing Pretty Things is my big, giant archive for all things Jessi (in blog form).


The Recording Project: Week Four

The Recording Project:

This is the fourth week of my new recording project. I've finished two songs to my satisfaction, and that's a great feeling. In the past, I've started and abandoned many projects for various reasons. I lacked equipment, the expertise to use it, and the patience to perfect my work. I've been performing for over ten years, and I wanted to be in the moment, record a live performance, and be done. But that wasn't working. It sounded like poop (and not the virtual stuff I fling at you guys on FaceBook).

So I've started work on an album "Who We Are, What We Have Done". Although the guitar and vocal parts are often completed in one take, I'm working on taking my time with the songs, arranging, writing parts, experimenting with sound. I feel like something has clicked and I'm excited to see what's coming next.

The first two songs are called "Atlas Shrugged" and "Broken Thing". I wrote both last month and they can be streamed at www.myspace.com/jessirobertson and www.sonicbids.com/jessirobertson. I don't intend to record any old songs, with the exception of one I had previously called "Little Sister" but is now titled, "Papers and Magazines". The album title also came from that song. Most likely I won't stream any others until the album is finished. I've gotta keep a little mystery alive.

Meanwhile, I've decided to keep a blog of my experiences while trying to tackle the impossible and actually complete an album after ten years, and get it out on CD and iTunes. I've also got some cool ideas for bonus materials, but that's a secret too (imagine me sticking out my tongue, waving my arms around, and singing "na na na boo boo" here).

But seriously, I want to write about this experience which is a first for me, and I know is going to be magical. Even if no one reads this, I want to look back at this experience someday and remember the joy of being able to create music completely on my own terms, with no one else to help or hinder me.

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