Hi, my name is Jessi and I'm an independent musician in the NYC area. I also write articles for Urban Folk magazine, design web pages, create fliers, and do various other music and technology related tasks. Please visit my Indie Music Resources blog for more. Meanwhile, Drawing Pretty Things is my big, giant archive for all things Jessi (in blog form).
Released today, five "mini-albums" of my stuff. Four were recorded by me, in my apartment. "There's glass all over the floor" was recorded by Michael Kenneth. From time to time I have put out songs for download here and there. I still don't have a CD. But now I have collected some of the best stuff from the last couple of years, and I hope you enjoy it. Songs can also be purchased individually.
Did I mention how much I love this song Seattle by Joe Wilson? Thanks again to Katharine for not only putting together an awesome show on her birthday, but also filming during the party. That girl can multi-task! This video can also be viewed at Music Nation.
Thanks to Katharine for filming this video on the night of her birthday party, August 2007 at Matchless. Peter Inc, Joe Wilson, and I had a great time celebrating! This video was uploaded to a new music video site called Music Nation. It started out as a contest for a record deal. The site is still beta but has recently undergone a facelift. The interface is much sleeker and many new features have been added. Meanwhile check out this video of Joe Wilson performing "Even the Flux Capacitor Can't Save Us Now" (I hope I spelled that right). Joe is brilliant. I am the giant-ess with the Corona.
September Concert is a series of free concerts, organized by individuals, schools, businesses, and associations
- to bring communities together
- to reaffirm our hope for peace
- to celebrate life and our universal humanity
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.""
Inspired by these words of Aldous Huxley, The September Concert was born in 2002 on the first anniversary of 9/11. Since then, on each anniversary our message of peace through music has spread further and further.
In 2006 we organized 225 individual concerts with more than 3,400 performers. In addition to 100 concerts in New York City, 50 U.S. cities hosted concerts as well as 35 international cities.
All concerts adhere to three basic principles:
* Freedom: All venues and musicians are free to design and organize their own concerts.
* Equality: All music and all musicians are treated equally, regardless of genre or background.
* Accessibility: All music is offered free of charge.
This will be my fourth year curating for the September Concert. The first year was at Bar4. I think the lovely Crystal Brandt played that night and Bethany from the Feverfew. The second year was at Cornelia St. Cafe. Nick Howard and Ellie Lawson also played that evening. The third yeas was at Rockwood Music Hall in collaboration with Alloy Radio and Local Correspondents. I had so much support from everyone and it was the first year that I helped to choose all the artists.
This year I return to Rockwood Music Hall, with the help of the Local Correspondents Team. September 11th starting at 6pm there will be a stellar line-up of musicians sharing their music to promote healing and community.
6pm - 1am Joe Wilson Matt Singer Paul Basile Ivan Sandomire Tom Hayes Paula Valstein Kevin Johnston Tarrah Reynolds Tanya Buziak No Lindsay Jessi Chelsea Lynn LaBate Steve Waitt
If you are a musician, venue, or promoter, I strongly urge you to get involved with this community event. Please visit the site at http://septemberconcert.org for more information on September Concert.
"A voice that commands attention from the first line." -Performing Songwriter Magazine.
Brooklyn-based singer/songwriter Jessi Robertson grew up in a tiny upstate New York town of under 1,000 people, but eventually moved to the big city and carved out a place for herself. Her first full band studio album, "Small Town Girls," to be released in February 2011, follows that journey.
Musically, Jessi lives on the divide between gutsy indie rockers such as PJ Harvey and gritty Americana artists like Lucinda Williams. Embracing this duality, her performances can feel as intimate as a conversation, or as deep and dark as an ocean.
RIYL: PJ Harvey, Tom Waits, Mazzy Star, Ryan Adams, Fiona Apple