
Hi, my name is Jessi and I'm an independent musician in the NYC area. I also write articles for Urban Folk magazine, design web pages, create fliers, and do various other music and technology related tasks. Please visit my Indie Music Resources blog for more. Meanwhile, Drawing Pretty Things is my big, giant archive for all things Jessi (in blog form).


Jessi, Joe Wilson, & Matt Singer at the American Folk Art Museum

On January 11th, 2008 Jessi Robertson, Joe Wilson, and Matt Singer will play at the American Folk Art Museum in Manhattan as part of Free Music Fridays. This showcase is presented by the Local Correspondents Community. Please come out on Friday between 5pm and 7:30pm to hear free music in a beautiful setting. The American Folk Art Museum is located at 45 W. 53rd St. between 5th and 6th Ave.